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Training & Support

The Office of Research Ethics provides the following assistance currently available for UCD staff and students:

  • Research Ethics Presentation - for an introduction to research ethics in UCD - please note that some items in this presentation have been updated such as the low risk review process and the requirement for insurance.
  • Research Ethics Workshops - for small groups upon request and subject to availability.
  • Ethical Best Practice Information List - includes lists of international human right law documents, relative national and European legislation, as well as policy and guidance documents related to ethical best practice in research.

If you, or your school/college, would like more information please send an email  to: (opens in a new window)research.ethics@ucd.ie.

 The Office of Research Ethics is not responsible for the content of external sites

Contact UCD Office of Research Ethics

UCD Research, Tierney Building, Belfield, Dublin 4.
E: research.ethics@ucd.ie